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Stories of Climate Action

Summer ‘21 was the start of a inspirational collaboration with CAG oxford, The Old Fire Station Oxford and Nature Recovery Network. I met and worked alongside so many inspirational people -who are using their skills, voices, time and spaces to take positive action in their communities to mitigate our environmental impact and build a future that is fairer, greener and more sustainable.

Nature Recovery Dream Catchers

The artwork made to celebrate the work of the Nature Reovery Network appropriates the metaphor of mycelium networks (also known as the Wood Wide Web) to represent the structure and aims of the NRN: a network of organisations and individuals sharing resources and communicating for mutual benefit of the whole ecosystem. It combines woven elements within a willow frame (from locally gathered natural materials) crafted by members of the Nature Recovery Network. In making, sharing and recycling the artwork my aim was to have little to no negative impact on the environment  - but rather honour its beauty, complexity and value.

In collaboration with…


Faith and Fracture at York Minster